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$100 for Your Extra Life – The #BakkenInvitation #LiveOnGiveOn

**Many thanks to Medtronic for sponsoring today’s post and inspiring me to give back to my community! If I gave you $100 to use to give back to your community in some way, what would you do with it? It’s an interesting question, isn’t it? I want you to think about it because I have […]
Filed in: Giveaway
#Manners & Traffic Rules

#Manners & Traffic Rules What do manners and traffic have in common? Apparently not much. Like most of us I drive to work each day and have to navigate the rush hour traffic. As I dodge those who cut in front of me and change lanes without using turn signals I began to understand why […]
Filed in: misc
L’Oreal Age Perfect for the Holidays #sponsored

L’Oreal Age Perfect for the Holidays #sponsored **I am receiving a fee for posting. However, opinions expressed are my own. If you are anything like me, you have tried many skin care products in an attempt to find something that actually works. Perhaps you have a drawer full of products promising to deliver results and each […]
Filed in: product review
Kerri: A Tribute to our first ‘Fur Child’

Kerri: A Tribute to our first ‘Fur Child’ Kerri was a Welsh Terrier. They are a rare find in this Country since they are only bred to a waiting list. If there isn’t an owner waiting, there are no puppies born. So how did we find Kerri? As it happens her owner’s were building a […]
Filed in: Uncategorized
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