product review
#greenworks Twin Force Dual Blade Mower: Review

#greenworks Twin Force Dual Blade Mower: Review What do think of when you think of technology? Computers? Smart Phones? I would bet that a lawn mower does not place anywhere on that list. Why not? It is technology that makes this mower great. Without technology battery power would not be able to handle something as […]
Filed in: product review
#Depend: Silhouette Active Fit a Healthy Choice

Yes. You read that right. #Depend: Silhouette Active Fit a Healthy Choice Isn’t it the goal of most people to stay healthy? What are we told no matter where we look: “keep active to stay healthy”. Well, what if you have an issue like bladder leakage? The last thing you want to do is put yourself in […]
Filed in: Clothing • Health • product review
LifeSpan TR200 Compact Treadmill: Healthy Walking

LifeSpan TR200 Compact Treadmill: Healthy Walking Most of you already know that I fall into the ‘Boomer’ category when it comes to my age. As each year passes by I become more aware of the things I need to do to stay active and healthy. I want to age well. Before we moved into this […]
Filed in: Health • product review
#Ghostek iPhone 6 Plus Case: Review

#Ghostek iPhone 6 Plus Case: Review That’s my iPhone 6 Plus sporting my new Ghostek case. Yes. I already have a case I love and that allows the gold color to shine through. But sometimes it’s nice to change things up a bit… This case arrives in a ziplock type plastic pack. Inside you will […]
Filed in: iphone accessories • product review • Reviews • Technology • technology accessory
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