Tag: featured
Wearing Glasses is Cool… Now

Wearing Glasses is Cool… Now Once again I find myself reflecting on a subject as a result of reading an article on HuffPost50. Those who find themselves visually challenged enough to need prescription glasses have a much easier time today than in years past. Yes. I speak from experience. I began wearing glasses when I was […]
Filed in: Aging
Hair Color: Natural or Treated

Hair Color: Natural or Treated It was the article on HuffPost50 that was the impetus for sharing my take on this with you now. I have been pondering this subject for quite some time. The decision I made was a very personal one and in no way reflects on anyone else’s choice for their hair. […]
Filed in: Aging
Why Do You Blog?

Why do you blog? I have been thinking a lot about that lately. Remember her… Geek Girl. When I started Blogging I started blogging because I love to write. A blog seemed like a good outlet for that passion. I was not trying to gain an audience or become famous or make money from it. […]
Filed in: Blogging
Herbal Medicine: Capsules vs Decoction

Herbal Medicine: Capsules vs Decoction Does it really matter how I take my herbal medicine? Perhaps… Check out this article via Epoch Times. “This is exactly the method of preparation Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses to extract or release the chemicals stored in botanicals used for medicinal purposes. In fact, this was the way I was first […]
Filed in: Herbs For Health
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