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#Burpee Garden Time Planner: App Review

#Burpee Garden Time Planner: App Review This is probably the first of many apps I will be reviewing in an effort to find one that works best for me. This app does meet one very important requirement: it is FREE. They have versions on both iOS & Android. My goal in choosing a gardening app […]
Filed in: Apps • Healthy Gardening
#PicGIF for Mac by #PearlMountain: App Review

#PicGIF for Mac by #PearlMountain Technology It has come to my attention that I have been quite negligent in posting app reviews lately. Today I rectify that with an app you may find interesting. This app takes your still photos and makes GIFs out of them. Yup. That’s right. No special coding skills required. This […]
Filed in: Apps
Buzzy #Flower Grow Kit

Buzzy #Flower Grow Kit There appears to be more and more ways for people to participate in growing plants so matter where they live. If they have the desire, there is a way. I found another product designed to facilitate this. Like the TaterPot I also found this product at Walmart. Buzzy produces a line […]
Filed in: Healthy Gardening
#Companion Gardening

#Companion Gardening In an effort to reduce and / or eliminate chemicals and yet keep pests under control I have invested many hours into researching Companion Gardening. Companion Gardening serves more than just that one purpose. Some plants when located next to each other actually help each other grow. The colors create a lovely contrast […]
Filed in: Books • Healthy Gardening
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