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Miracle Marathon: What Is It & Why Should I Care?

Miracle Marathon: What Is It & Why Should I Care? I recently applied to be a ‘Miracle Maker’ for the ‘Miracle Marathon’ official campaign in the Kansas City area. Although I was not chosen to take part in that campaign, I feel strongly enough about the cause that I wanted to share some of the […]
Filed in: Health
Wearing Glasses is Cool… Now

Wearing Glasses is Cool… Now Once again I find myself reflecting on a subject as a result of reading an article on HuffPost50. Those who find themselves visually challenged enough to need prescription glasses have a much easier time today than in years past. Yes. I speak from experience. I began wearing glasses when I was […]
Filed in: Aging
Hair Color: Natural or Treated

Hair Color: Natural or Treated It was the article on HuffPost50 that was the impetus for sharing my take on this with you now. I have been pondering this subject for quite some time. The decision I made was a very personal one and in no way reflects on anyone else’s choice for their hair. […]
Filed in: Aging
Why Do You Blog?

Why do you blog? I have been thinking a lot about that lately. Remember her… Geek Girl. When I started Blogging I started blogging because I love to write. A blog seemed like a good outlet for that passion. I was not trying to gain an audience or become famous or make money from it. […]
Filed in: Blogging
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