Magic Jigsaw Puzzles for Surface Pro 3
Magic Jigsaw Puzzles for Surface Pro 3

- New user-friendly main menu interface. Select the puzzle collection you like in one click!
- New camera page design! Enjoy the process of creating new puzzles from your photos!
- New “Completed puzzles” gallery design.
What I found a little misleading was the Menu. Although it presents options to take a photo or choose a photo from your photo gallery it does not actually allow you to use them unless you pay for the options. So I chose a photo and went through all the steps only to find that I would have to pay if I wanted to use it. So not cool…
So I chose one of their puzzles and started on the Beginner level.
Your puzzled pieces appear on the far right side of your screen in a vertical row. You can move the puzzles pieces by scrolling through. You have the option to view just the border pieces. I have always put together the border pieces of a puzzle and then worked my way through the rest. You just use your finger and pull the puzzles pieces onto the virtual board and begin putting them together.
The touch interface is surprisingly good. The only real issue I had was when I tried my second puzzle and chose the option to flip the pieces around. Each time you tap a piece it runs 1/4 turn so can work it like you would a non-virtual puzzle. It had a tendency to freeze on me. Frustrating…
Did I mention that they provide music while you are working the puzzle? It is supposed to be relaxing. I have never found putting together a puzzle to be relaxing. I tried listening to the music, but quickly turned it off. Really annoying…
If you have a Surface Pro 3 and you like jigsaw puzzles, you should give this app a try. What do you have to lose? It’s FREE!
Until next time…
Geek Grandma
Filed in: Apps Tags: apps • cheryl therrien • featured • grandmother diaries • grandmotherdiaries
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Well no one in my family has this device. But, I am going to suggest to my son and daughter-in-law to find jigsaw puzzles for their iPads. My granddaughters have their heads in those iPads so much and since they love puzzles, it might not be all bad to add such a feature. Thanks Cheryl!
Hi Cheryl. I don't own a Surface Pro 3 (I recently transitioned to the world of Macs), but based on the commercials, they look like a lot of fun. I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 collecting dust somewhere and it's a wonderful device; a big bargain over an iPad.
I really don't like jigsaw puzzles…but I am so anxious to get my hands on a surface pro 3 🙂 Just waiting for the new OS! I really did hate Windows 8! LOL But I want that surface pro in the worst way!!!!!
I am not a fan of jigsaw puzzles and I don't own a Surface Pro 3 but it does sound like a fun way to occupy some time. Thank you for the information.
My daughter likes jigsaw puzzles. I am not so interested in them. Thanks for the info.
It’s funny you should mention the Surface Pro. Jigsaw puzzles aside, I’ve been thinking about adding it to my arsenal of tech tools. What do you think?
Hubby has a Surface Pro 3 for work, but I've not used it much. I do like puzzles and this app looks intriguing. Lots of great memories putting puzzles together with my grandma. Sometimes the ones she would bring home from yardsales would be interesting to put together and once we put an entire puzzle together that consisted of half of one puzzle and half of another.
Looks pretty interesting but I'm having trouble envisioning how this would work for say a 1,000 piece puzzle. Do you have to scroll through the pieces over and over again? My house is filled with all kinds of devices but a Surface Pro is one we don't have.
It is great about how technology can go back to something simple and modify it to fit the technology. Jigsaws are one of the oldest pastimes created, and now adjusted to our modern word.
I am not a big fan of jigsaw puzzles; I had a bad experience once. I bought one with a red rooster on the front of the box, but all the pieces were the same color, and none would fit together. Then I realized I bought a box of Cornflakes.
My wife has been playing with a puzzle app on her nexus. The best part of puzzles in apps is they don't take over your dining room table while you are putting them together.
I go through periods when jigsaws are a great way to settle stress. I used to work on them with Mum when I would return home. Always a joy to get that last piece in. No surface pro 3, or any number, for me though so no app either.