Where in the World is Geek Grandma?

Some of you may be wondering just what is going on with Geek Grandma. Well here’s the scoop… Where it began… Not many weeks ago we had a really deep freeze here in Kansas, like minus single digits deep freeze. What’s so special about that? The house we live in is an older house put […]
New Year’s Resolutions or Goals

New Year’s Resolutions or Goals That’s more of a question than a title. I stopped making resolutions many years ago. They are futile attempts to make miracles happen, at least in my case anyway. Goals are much more realistic and attainable. Goals provide a sign post, if you will, to work toward. You can take steps […]
#Manners & Traffic Rules

#Manners & Traffic Rules What do manners and traffic have in common? Apparently not much. Like most of us I drive to work each day and have to navigate the rush hour traffic. As I dodge those who cut in front of me and change lanes without using turn signals I began to understand why […]
Filed in: misc
Unattainable #Goals

Let’s talk about goals. When does a goal become ‘unattainable’? I get daily writing prompts delivered to my email inbox. Today I received a prompt to write about an unattainable goal. This led me to wonder about just when a goal becomes unattainable. Possible reasons / excuses why a goal is unattainable: You lack of funds […]
Filed in: misc
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