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Touch Screen Phone For Visually Impaired

Touch Screen Phone For Visually Impaired Perhaps we have finally reached the point where even those who are visually impaired can use a smart phone in a way that is similar to the way that everyone else does. Enter the ‘Braille Phone‘… Per Sumit Dagar’s web site: The motivation behind the project is to take a […]
Filed in: smart phones • Technology
The Lawn Mower Diet Returns

The Lawn Mower Diet Returns Unknown (Chadborn & Coldwell Manufacturing in Newburgh, New York) / / Public domain Many moons ago in a galaxy far far away… I wrote a blog post about using my lawn mower as weight control. Now that I have moved house I am back to using the push lawn […]
Filed in: Health
The Four Seasons: App

The Four Seasons: App This free app is designed to be both educational and fun. It is intended for a young audience and is ad supported. You can remove the ads for $0.99. There are 2 options: Read it Myself & Read To Me. Children get to dress a snowman, pick fruit, clean up trash, […]
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