#DST – Dalyight Savings Time

"DaylightSaving-World-Subdivisions" by Paul Eggert - based on Image:BlankMap-World-Subdivisions.PNG, plus the data in the tz database, plus data in the maps on the INMS's Time Zones & Daylight Saving Time page.. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:DaylightSaving-World-Subdivisions.png#mediaviewer/File:DaylightSaving-World-Subdivisions.png

“DaylightSaving-World-Subdivisions” by Paul Eggert – based on Image:BlankMap-World-Subdivisions.PNG, plus the data in the tz database, plus data in the maps on the INMS’s Time Zones & Daylight Saving Time page.. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons – http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:DaylightSaving-World-Subdivisions.png#mediaviewer/File:DaylightSaving-World-Subdivisions.png

Map Legend:
DST Used – Blue
DST Formerly Used – Orange
DST Never Used – Red

It’s all about time. Or is it? There are many points of view on this subject and reasons for them.

Scott C. Yates wrote a piece on CNN discussing this very subject. He provides one historical perspective as to how it came about and why it is has stayed around. Personally I think it’s more about making money than saving money. I do like that he has included some health benefit / risk factors in his article.

Per Wikipedia:

Daylight saving has caused controversy since it began. [1] Winston Churchill argued that it enlarges “the opportunities for the pursuit of health and happiness among the millions of people who live in this country” [46] and pundits have dubbed it “Daylight Slaving Time”. [47] Historically, retailing, sports, and tourism interests have favored daylight saving, while agricultural and evening entertainment interests have opposed it, and its initial adoption had been prompted by energy crisis and war. [48]

Every time we switch the clocks ahead or back my body clock gets thrown into a tither. It typically takes about a month to get readjusted again. My preference would be to keep one time and stick to it.

There are those who would prefer to stick with the changing of the clocks. If you are a golfer, this means more light for golfing. If you run a business that needs to provide light outside after dark, it means you save money.

Now I will admit that I like the extra light during the Summer. But extra light comes with Summer anyway. My view is stick with one time and stop messing with the clocks. There are already states that don’t participate. Let’s make it unanimous and have all states stop participating.

I have actually tried this via taking a vacation to Jamaica where they are in the EST time zone but don’t participate in DST. I could go without changing the clocks.

What do you think? Do you like DST? Do you not like DST? Why or why not?

Until next time…

Geek Girl







Geek Grandma


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  1. jacquiegum says:

    Ha! I've been moaning about this for years! I don't know why one little hour wreaks havoc with me so much. I, too, take at least a week to adjust. I dislike this even more when living in an area where one bordering state did not adhere to DST…I never knew what time it was an it made keeping my appointments straight nearly impossible. I'm with you. Pick a time…any time…and just stick with it!

  2. JeriWB says:

    You make the great point that extra light comes with summer anyway. I don't take long to adjust, but have never liked shorter winter days. I'd much rather it stay dark in the morning and have that extra hour at the end of the day rather than at the beginning.

  3. A.K.Andrew says:

    I don’t like DST & complain every year about the adjustment But they tried not doing it one year in the UK when I was about 13 & no one like duras all the kids went to school in the dark. So….

  4. Researchers in Sweden have found that children are much more active during summer time and would hence benefit from keeping summer time all year round. Personally like living in a part of the world where you have 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. Honestly believe it's healthier for us. In the North of Scandianvia they have about an hour of light during winter and an hour of darkness during summer. The midnight sun, remember. Really don't think that's healthy for human beings.

  5. Susan Cooper says:

    I agree wholeheartedly, Cheryl. I am so tired today I could keel over and I thought I GAINED an hour. Well then why am I so tired?? Probably because I woke up at 4am thinking it was time to get out of bed. You’re right, they need to pick a time and stick to it. Stop the insanity. Yawn….

  6. patweber says:

    You know what I remember about it Cheryl? It started to help the farmers have more light. Well with all the changes we've had since our mostly agricultural days, it really is time for a change. I'm right there raising my hand with you!