Unattainable #Goals
Let’s talk about goals. When does a goal become ‘unattainable’?
I get daily writing prompts delivered to my email inbox. Today I received a prompt to write about an unattainable goal. This led me to wonder about just when a goal becomes unattainable.

Photo Credit: “The Posts – geograph.org.uk – 116024” by Keith Williamson – From geograph.org.uk. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons – http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Posts_-_geograph.org.uk_-_116024.jpg#mediaviewer/File:The_Posts_-_geograph.org.uk_-_116024.jpg
Possible reasons / excuses why a goal is unattainable:
- You lack of funds
- You are too old
- You are too over weight
- You lack the skills
- You are not smart enough
I could go on, but you get the idea. I will admit that there are probably some goals that will be unattainable. But if that is the case, then why are they on your list of goals? Isn’t the point of goal setting to set goals you can actually accomplish?
Per Wikipedia:
Goal setting involves establishing specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-targeted (S.M.A.R.T ) goals.
They call them S.M.A.R.T. goals for a reason.
Whether your goal is business related or personal in nature we should all strive to set S.M.A.R.T. goals.
What happens when you set unattainable goals? I will let you answer that question for yourself.
Do you set goals? What is your purpose for setting goals? Are your goals attainable? If not, why? Do you use an app for setting goals?
Until next time…
Geek Grandma
Filed in: misc
I've always set goals, but starting to freelance made it clear that I didn't necessarily know how to prioritize those goals. I'm such a big-picture thinker that it can be hard for me to focus on the steps needed to get from Point A to Point B. I think the goals I've set are attainable, but also have also had to reconcile those goals as situations change, i.e, the realization writing a first book of the caliber I hope to achieve might not be in the cards, but that doesn't mean I should stop writing creatively. On the other hand, I am trying to play to my strong suite and help others edit their own work. Yes, the editor needs an editor 😉
I have always set goals and I am goal oriented/task oriented. But now I realize that sometimes the achievement of those goals can be out our control…economy, unexpected illness etc. And I also think that not everyone can be a brain surgeon:) Attainable is the real conundrum for me…determining that is, for me, the hardest thing. It really is a great discussion question Cheryl.
It's good to set goals, and for years I never thought of them in those terms – preferred to live life as a pantster, even though I had dreams that I followed. But that's a good definition, and I like the SMART part. Made me smile.
Hi Cheryl, I have always set goals for myself, but try to keep them to those that are attainable, otherwise that would get downright depressing, wouldn’t it? 🙂 problem isn’t attainability, it’s the length of the list and working towards too many goals at the same time, I think. Then sometimes it seems like you are never able to reach many of your goals because you are “almost there” on so darn many things.
Whoa – Wikipedia missed the formula – it's SMARTY. The Y, it's the most important in my experience. It has to be Your goal. If you are doing something because someone else wants you to or says you oughta, then THAT goal will likely never happen. Cool – writing prompts.
Here's a list of goals that are unattainable for me:
Be elected president of the United States
Be chosen as supreme leader of Iran
Win a beauty contest for teenagers
Just kidding, even though it's impossible fror me to do acchieve of it.
Personally agree with your late president Coolidge, if you are determined and persevere you will succeed. Needless to say with goals that are feasible.