Tag: iPhone app
yokee anyone?

Here is something fun for iPhone users. If you like Karaoke, you will like this app. turns your iPhone in to a Karaoke microphone! But wait… it gets better! You can create a room for up to five of you and your friends and have a party of Karaoke! But wait… it gets better! It actually makes […]
Filed in: iPhone app
OurGroceries App

UPDATE: My husband has installed this on his iPhone and I have it on my Droid. It truly does sync between OS platforms. Woo Hoo!!! 🙂 My husband and I decided that we are going to give this app a try. He has an iPhone and I have a Droid. This app is supposed to […]
Filed in: android phone app • iPhone app
Schemer – Have You Tried It?

Looking to have some fun with friends? Maybe you just want to know what your friends have been up to. If you have a Google+ account, then this app might be just the ticket for you. You put together lists of things you want to do like have lunch at that new place around the […]
Filed in: android app • Apps • iPhone app
Keeper – Password & Data Vault

After my post about passwords and security I received requests regarding password managers. So to address those requests I have found a great app that will work for both iPhone / iPad and Android users. It also states that it will work on PCs. So everyone is invited to this party… This app boasts military-grade […]
Filed in: android app • Apps • iPad apps • iPhone app • Technology
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