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Name That Spot

Name That Spot This past week we have had some beautiful weather in New England. It evokes fond summer memories of swimming, eating outside and watching the kids chase fireflies. Other memories come to mind too, such as playing Name That Spot on my kids’ bodies. By mid-summer my kids’ skins look like a veritable […]
Filed in: Health
Motivational Monday: 5/13
Motivational Monday: 5/13 “All is not quite as it seems. It’s better.” By: Me This quote is by me this week. I have a treat for you today. When my husband and I moved back to this house we decided to upgrade the refrigerator. This house has a very small kitchen. I mean small as […]
Filed in: motivational quote
When Did a Computer Finally Win a Chess Game Against a World Champion?

When Did a Computer Finally Win a Chess Game Against a World Champion? Game: February 10, 1996. Match: May 11, 1997. The match-up between chess champions and computers goes back to Carnegie-Mellon, with a computer called ChipTest, later renamed Deep Thought, which first met Gary Kasparov in 1989. Garry Kasparov upon winning the World Chess Championship in 1985. (Photo […]
Filed in: Playtime
Happy ‘Grand’Mother’s Day!

Happy ‘Grand’Mother’s Day! I wrote a Guest Post for Wendy McCance over at Searching For The Happiness. It’s a celebration of both the debut of my new book and ‘Grand’Mother’s Day. We would both love it if you would stop by and give us some comment love. Have a wonderful day everyone! Don’t forget to […]
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