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New Father: A Good Man
New Father: A Good Man Facebook / CC BY-NC-ND / Facebook When I visited my new grandson in the hospital, L said something that really made me think. She said of my son, ‘He’s a good man.’ I began thinking about that. Yes. He is my son so I am biased. But the reality is […]
Filed in: parenting
Double or Add? Fun with Grandkids
Last day to get your FREE copy of Letters From Grandma: Before You Were Born for Amazon Kindle. Double or Add? Fun with Grandkids Large Numbers There is a fable that the inventor of chess was rewarded by his king with whatever he wanted. He asked that a grain of wheat (or rice, depending on which fable-tellers […]
Motivational Monday: 5/27
Motivational Monday: 5/27 qthomasbower / Art Photos / CC BY-SA Today we give thanks to all those who serve our country & those who support them. You are appreciated! Don’t forget to follow Geek Girl on Facebook and Twitter. Subscribe to updates by email
Filed in: motivational quote
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Note: Don’t forget to grab your free Kindle copy of ‘Letters From Grandma: Before You Were Born‘! How Does Your Garden Grow? Knock on wood, but I think Spring / Summer has finally arrived here in Kansas. Since I am feeling confident about that I decided to begin some of the outside work that needs […]
Filed in: misc
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