Just Because…
Have you ever bought anything just because you wanted it? Not because you needed it, but because you wanted it? You bought it ‘just because’… I don’t do it very often, but I did it today (now yesterday). As many of you know golfing is one of the activities my husband and I share. Because […]
Filed in: Technology
Where Is Geek Girl?
Those of you who follow this blog will have noticed how quiet it has been here recently. My apologies. My day job has me working so many hours I barely have enough time to eat or sleep. The work schedule has left me pretty brain dead and grouchy with no energy for anything, even my […]
Filed in: Technology
Setting Goals
So I have this blogger friend who recently called me out about setting goals. Bethany you know I am talking about YOU. Now I have to start actually setting some goals, I mean real ones. I have always had goals, but not the kind where you say ‘I ran 10 miles today and tomorrow I […]
Filed in: Technology
Keeper – Password & Data Vault

After my post about passwords and security I received requests regarding password managers. So to address those requests I have found a great app that will work for both iPhone / iPad and Android users. It also states that it will work on PCs. So everyone is invited to this party… This app boasts military-grade […]
Filed in: android app • Apps • iPad apps • iPhone app • Technology
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