iPhone app
Geek Girl Readers Recommend iTriage

Once again Geek Girl readers came up with another great app! iTriage is not only free but it works on multiple platforms as well as on the web itself. So just what is iTriage? It is a medical app developed by two ER physicians to empower patients to make better healthcare decisions. You can look […]
Filed in: android phone app • Apps • iPhone app
Organize Your Gift Lists

If you are anything at all like me, you start working on your gift list for Christmas as soon as the last one is finished – like the next day. I look at stuff for birthdays long before those dates arrive. Keeping track of what you have already purchased and what you still need to […]
Filed in: android phone app • Apps • iPhone app
Geek Girl Readers Recommend Apps

loves to hear what apps our readers are using and why. Today we are going to share some of those we have received. These apps have versions for both Android and iPhone. Very cool… Urban Spoon – An app to help you find restaurants. My understanding is that you can just shake your phone […]
Filed in: android phone app • Apps • iPhone app
Gardening – A Family Activity

When I was growing up my family had little money and so frugal living was not just a concept, it was reality. In an effort to spend less money at the grocery shop we planted vegetables. We children learned which plants were weeds and which ones were not. If we pulled the wrong ones, well […]
Filed in: android phone app • Blogging • family activities • Garden • iPhone app
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