Gardening – A Family Activity


garden When I was growing up my family had little money and so frugal living was not just a concept, it was reality. In an effort to spend less money at the grocery shop we planted vegetables. We children learned which plants were weeds and which ones were not. If we pulled the wrong ones, well that was one less plant to harvest from and by extension less to eat. We liked to eat so we were very careful. We planted onions, carrots, peas, tomatoes, all the usual suspects.

We did not eat them all at the time they were harvested. Some of them were put away for later. We either canned them or they were frozen. Many hours were invested to ensure we had plenty to eat during the lean winter months.

All of these gardening activities were ‘family’ activities. In this case the family that gardens together stays together. All of this may sound like work, and it was. But it was also fun. There were many hours of laughter, jokes, and just plain fun. Weeds and practical jokes… you get the idea.

Another by-product of the gardening activity was that we all know how to garden and put away food for another day. What is that saying? Something like, “you can feed a man for a day, or you can teach him to fish and feed him for a lifetime.” I know that’s not exactly it, but you get the idea. We learned something valuable to last a lifetime.

There are many apps out there for gardening. There is an app for both Android & iPhone users that you might find useful called ‘Gardening Tips’. One of the cool things about this app is that it allows you to share information via Twitter, Facebook, & email. Both of these apps are free of charge at the moment, but will not be soon. So go gets yours now before they start charging for it and then let me know what you think of it. From the reviews I have seen one either loves it or not.

Is gardening part of your family activities? Is there an app that you like to use for gardening?

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  1. Karen says:

    My mom had a vegetable garden. I remember peppers, green beans and tomatoes. She was good at it. Unfortunately, that's a talent I didn't inherit! My gardening skills have killed fake plants. It doesn't stop me from trying to grow Thyme and Basil every year! I'm going to have to check out that app. I'm game to check out anything that can help me keep my attempts to grow a living plant alive!

  2. namirusso says:

    I have to try this – my gardening is a lot like my writing, sometimes it flourishes and sometimes it's just plain kaput! Since both my grandfathers were farmers, I kind of think it's in my blood but the plants…think otherwise.

    • Geek Girl says:

      For me I can garden outside. Inside the house, like house plants, not so much. So I most definitely understand. 🙂

  3. Jo-Anne says:

    If it is a family activity then why is it that my family to stay away from the garden………….oh yeah it is because I have a habit of killing things…………lol

    • Geek Girl says:

      LOL I can see how that would be kind of a problem. :)Sent from my iPad

  4. Susan Cooper says:

    I am on this. I am going to downoad this promto. Thank you SOOO much for bringing this to my attention. BIG 🙂

    • Geek Girl says:

      Your welcome! It goes both ways. You can suggest apps you like too. :)Sent from my iPad

  5. Leora says:

    I'm amazed at how involved you were in gardening, seeing each vegetable as food. Wish I could involve my own children more in the garden, but they know anything we grow is just a supplement to the many grocery store products we get. I once bribed my boys to try homegrown cherry tomatoes – one agreed to take the quarter and the taste, but he still didn't like the tomato. My daughter (who is younger) claims she likes tomatoes and will eat the ones we grow.

    I am growing cucumbers, tomatoes, basil, oregano, sage, nasturtium and many flowers! Looking forward to pickling at least some of the cucumbers.