iPhone app
Fun Friday

It’s Friday and it’s time for some fun! Whether you have Android or Apple I have a fun free app for you to try. WordMania! See how many words you can make from the letters provided before the clock runs out. The better you are the more levels you can achieve. Android people can get […]
Filed in: android app • Apps • iPad apps • iPhone app

Here is an interesting concept. Shop online for your regular food / diapers / whatever shopping and have the vendors compete for your business. Then it’s delivered to your door, many times with no shipping charges. It’s your way of getting the best deals without having to cope with the hassle of going to the […]
Filed in: android phone app • iPhone app
yokee anyone?

Here is something fun for iPhone users. If you like Karaoke, you will like this app. turns your iPhone in to a Karaoke microphone! But wait… it gets better! You can create a room for up to five of you and your friends and have a party of Karaoke! But wait… it gets better! It actually makes […]
Filed in: iPhone app
OurGroceries App

UPDATE: My husband has installed this on his iPhone and I have it on my Droid. It truly does sync between OS platforms. Woo Hoo!!! 🙂 My husband and I decided that we are going to give this app a try. He has an iPhone and I have a Droid. This app is supposed to […]
Filed in: android phone app • iPhone app
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