Author Archive for admin
Motivational Monday – 12/17
“Remember the past, live in the present, hope for the future.” It’s difficult to write this post today. I have tried to write it many times. Each time I try to find the words they fail me. Then it occurred to me that there really are no words. There is nothing can I say in […]
Filed in: motivational quote
Point Inside – An App for iPhone & Android

With Christmas just around the corner you may find yourself trying to navigate shopping malls you are not familiar with. You guessed it. There’s an app for that! OK There is more than one app, but I am going to ‘point’ you towards ‘Point Inside’. Yeah, I know. That was a groaner… This app has […]
Filed in: android app • iPhone app
Motivational Monday – 12/10
” In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” By: Bill Cosby I think this quote says a lot. Fear of failure keeps people from doing so many things. The worst part of this is that by letting your fear of failure control what you do, you […]
Filed in: motivational quote
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