Tag: featured
Picture Collage Maker: iPhone App

Picture Collage Maker: iPhone App The folks at PearlMountain Technology reached out to me with this new app for the iPhone. This app is available for FREE for a limited time. When you install this app on your iPhone it is called, ‘Collage Maker’. When you search for it in the app store it is […]
Filed in: Apps • iPhone app
JenningsWire: Lessons From Your Grandchildren

JenningsWire: Lessons From Your Grandchildren I was invited to do an interview podcast on JenningsWire last month for my book ‘Letters From Grandma: Before You Were Born’. Following that interview I was invited to become one of their regular contributors. Needless to say I was thrilled to receive and accept the invitation. You will now […]
Filed in: Blogging
Fibonacci Sequence: It Started with Rabbits

Fibonacci Sequence: It Started with Rabbits The Fibonacci sequence in terms of rabbits (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number in the series equals the sum of the two numbers before it. It was described by Leonardo Fibonacci, an Italian mathematician, in his 1202 Book of Calculations. He also introduced and popularized […]
Filed in: education • Interesting Facts • Playtime
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