Tag: featured
How To Make An Herbal Tincture

How To Make An Herbal Tincture It gives me great pleasure to share with you a video of one of my favorite herbalists, Rosemary Gladstar, demonstrating how to make a tincture. This video demonstrates what I have written about but never filmed myself. If you have been following my blog in the past, then you know […]
Filed in: Herbs For Health
What Can You Do with Sidewalk Chalk and Dice?

What Can You Do with Sidewalk Chalk and Dice? Addition A collection of dice (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Supplies A pair of dice Chalk Driveway, sidewalk, or other clear spot Instructions Draw 12 circles on driveway, numbering them from 1 to 12. They can be the same size or different sizes, the same shape or different […]
Filed in: education
Herb Drying Tips Via Susun Weed

Herb Drying Tips Via Susun Weed Susun Weed is another herbalist I have learned a lot from. These videos take a minute or two to get to the good stuff, but the good stuff is worth waiting for. I thought sharing some videos in my herb posts might be helpful in bringing a deeper understanding […]
Filed in: Herbs For Health
How Much Is One Million in Sugar?

How Much Is One Million in Sugar? Big numbers A bowl of white granulated sugar. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) How long would it take you to count to one million? Eleven and-a-half days, if you counted at the rate of one number a second. This activity helps you see how much one million of something is. […]
Filed in: education
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