Patriotic Wallpaper for Your iPhone or Android Smart Phone


Play Store

Show your patriotism by installing one of these free wallpapers on your smart phone.

You can find the Android app – American Flag Live Wallpaper – in the App Store.

You can find the iPhone app – American Wallpapers and Backgrounds – in the App Store.

Try these apps and let me know what you think of them. Happy July 4th everyone!

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  1. Bindhurani says:

    You are really good in finding nice apps.

    • Geek Girl says:

      I try to find them and then share them here. You can make a request if there is something you are interested in and need help finding. :)Sent from my iPad

  2. projectwhitespace says:

    Saw your discussion with Bindhurani. Do you know of an app where I can track my life? 🙂
    I want to see habits in my life and see how erratic I am about eating, working out, worrying, stomach aches. Whatever. I also want to remind myself to clean the house and water my plants and stuff like that. 🙂

    • Geek Girl says:

      LOL OK First of all that would require the 'use' of more than one app. You would need a tracking app for data entry, and you would need an app to remind you to use the tracking app. Seems like a dilemma… LOLSent from my iPad

  3. Jo-Anne says:

    I wonder if they have the same type of thing for us Aussies my daughter would love something like that for her phone

  4. findingourwaynow says:

    This is a fun app.

    I like Bethany's app idea of tracking my life… So much to do with so little time. Sigh. 🙂

    • Geek Girl says:

      LOL Personally I think you both are doing wonderfully at tracking your lives through your blogging. No app required. 🙂