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The Golden Mean: Fun with Grandkids

The Golden Mean: Fun with Grandkids Have you ever heard of the Golden Mean? It is sometimes called the Golden Ratio. It is a line divided at the point where the ratio of the smaller part to the larger part is the same as the larger part to the whole. Like pi, it is constant, […]
Filed in: Playtime
Motivational Monday Quote: 4/22

Motivational Monday Quote Dmgerman / / CC BY “A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere.” By: Joyce Myers Maybe today we would not be referring to a #2 pencil, but the idea is the same. Don’t forget to follow Geek Girl on Facebook and Twitter. Sign up for updates by email!
Filed in: motivational quote
LEGO iPhone 5 Dock: Product Review

LEGO iPhone 5 Dock: Product Review The folks over at The Daily Brick sent us an iPhone 5 dock in return for our review. Did I say LEGO? Yes. I did indeed say LEGO. This dock is made from LEGO blocks. The owner of this online store syas they decided to design a dock themselves […]
Filed in: iphone accessories • Technology
It’s A Date!

It’s A Date! It’s a celebration!Paco CT / / CC BY-NC-SA Break out the balloons, the birthday cake, and whatever else this celebration calls for! If our little bundle of joy does not make his appearance ahead of schedule, it looks like May 3rd will be his birthday. Woo Hoo!!! Yes. I am excited and […]
Filed in: Introduction
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