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Magic Squares: 3×3

Magic Squares: 3×3 Magic Squares: Odd The magic square, according to Chinese legend, was first constructed on the back of a turtle and is called the Lo Shu magic square, the only order of numbers in a 3×3 grid in which they all add up to 15. The unique normal magic square of order 3, also […]
Orange-Mango Smoothie

Orange-Mango Smoothie MANGO TANGO SMOOTHIE 1 cup pineapple juice 1 cup orange juice 1/2 frozen banana (chunks) 1 cup pineapple sherbet 1 1/2 cups frozen mango slices Pour all liquid ingredients into the blender. Add all frozen ingredients. Blend at MIX setting for 30 seconds then blend at SMOOTH setting until smooth. While the machine is running, move […]
Filed in: Recipes
Guest Blogging Do’s and Don’ts

Guest Blogging Do’s and Don’ts Guest blogging is fast becoming a powerful tool to get more traffic to your site as well as bump up your search engine ranking. Guest blogging can also be a fun way to share ideas and content with people who have similar interests. It is also being use commonly for […]
Filed in: Blogging • Technology
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