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BeBop Blox: iPhone & iPad App

BeBop Blox: iPhone & iPad App If you have little ones around at all, you will appreciate this sweet little free app. Choose the puzzle. The pieces come along the train track. The little gray shapes indicate what pieces should be placed. Your child simply drags the correct shapes to the […]
The Four-Color Theorem

The Four-Color Theorem Normally, when you color in a pattern in a coloring book, you don’t pay attention to how many colors you need. You use as many crayons as you have available. But, what if you only had two or three or four crayons and you were asked not to let any color meet the same […]
Filed in: arts & crafts & educational • education • Playtime
Motivational Monday Quote

Motivational Monday Quote Ed Yourdon / / CC BY-SA “You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job and not be paid for it.” This came from ‘From Up North‘ quotes. I think the quote speaks for itself. No explanation required. 🙂 Have a great week everyone! Don’t […]
Filed in: motivational quote
Did He Make That Up? The Big Year

Did He Make That Up? The Big Year by Gina Valley Photo courtesy of Stock.xchng – Used with permission Two of my kids, Son#2 and Daughter#3, were at the Big Blue Box store. They’d gone in search of a movie that none of us had ever seen. We’ve gotten into rather a rut on family […]
Filed in: Playtime
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