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Luxurious Retirement Living in Boca Raton

Luxurious Retirement Living in Boca Raton *The following is a sponsored post. If you are looking for a summer home or somewhere to retire, you should really check out Boca Raton in Florida. Situated about an hour’s drive north of Miami up the I-95, Boca, as it is known by locals, offers great outdoor activities, […]
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Making Quicksand

Making Quicksand Non-Newtonian Fluid Cinnamon sticks. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) I was testing one of my science experiments recently with a visiting grandchild. We were making oobleck, a non-Newtonian fluid characterized by the fact that it has some properties of a solid and some properties of a liquid. Quicksand is a non-Newtonian fluid. I’d made this myself when I […]
I Have Always Done It This Way

I Have Always Done It This Way Caucas’ / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA Have you ever wondered why you make your bed the way you do? Why do you wash dishes in the order that you do – glasses, then plates, then silver, etc? Why do you sort the laundry the way you do – […]
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