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Herbs For Health: Vitex aka Chasteberry

Herbs For Health: Vitex aka Chasteberry Vitex agnus-castus This plant is indigenous to the Mediterranean and has been used throughout history to address women’s gynecological problems. Interesting Fact During the middle ages it was thought to decrease sexual desire, so monks would chew it to help them reduce their urges. Can you say ‘placebo effect’? […]
Filed in: Herbs For Health
Staying Independent As We Age

Staying Independent As We Age *This is a Sponsored Post As we age, many of us look forward to retirement. It’s an opportunity to do all the things that we always wanted to do, to spend time with the grandchildren, and to take life a bit easy after a lifetime of hard work. However, sometimes […]
Filed in: Health
What Comes Next? Pattern Recognition

What Comes Next? Pattern Recognition Patterns Clock in Bad Salzdetfurth, Germany, Badenburger Strasse (Photo credit: Wikipedia) One of the common tests for software engineers is to see if they can spot patterns. This is also a fun game to share with grandchildren. Materials Paper Pen or pencil Instructions Talk about the fact that there are lots […]
Filed in: education
Breast Cancer Survivor: Twenty Years and Counting

Breast Cancer Survivor: Twenty Years and Counting Just a quick note today for those of you who may not be aware… I am thrilled to announce that I had my first post published on Yahoo Voices. It stresses the importance of doing self-examinations and how they saved my life. It would be very much […]
Filed in: Health
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