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Exercise Ball

As a result of the arthroscopic shoulder surgery I had I have physical therapy sessions. I have been learning all kinds of exercises to strengthen different muscles. It is really a learning experience. One of the items I am learning to use that I will use long after my physical therapy sessions are finished is […]
Filed in: Technology
Change Your World
“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” By Norman Vincent Peale This quote is the conversation starter today. What do you think this means? What does it mean to you? Don’t forget to follow Geek Girl on Facebook and Twitter. Subscribe by email and never miss a thing!
Filed in: Technology
‘Play’ Free Amazon App Today

Today only Amazon is offering ‘Play by AOL Music’ free for download. This app is normally $0.99. Play is a custom music player with an extensive collection of songs and albums. You also have access to more than 50,000 SHOUTcast radio stations (on most devices). Key features are optimized for Kindle Fire. Create your […]
Filed in: android app • Apps
Habits & Personality Traits

Did you ever wonder where that habit of saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ came from? That’s an easy question, right? You were brought up that way. What about that special way you walk, or the way you hold your fork when you eat, or the way you hold your hands when you must sit still, […]
Filed in: Technology
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