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Living In A One-Dimensional World

When we make our debut in to this world most of us are born with the gift of sight. This is something we typically take for granted. Our sight provides us with information about the world around us. We can estimate how far away something is or how deep something is by looking at it. […]
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Motivational Monday – 9/24
“You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly.” By: Rumi Don’t forget to follow Geek Girl on Facebook and Twitter.
Filed in: motivational quote
Where Is Geek Girl?
Those of you who follow this blog will have noticed how quiet it has been here recently. My apologies. My day job has me working so many hours I barely have enough time to eat or sleep. The work schedule has left me pretty brain dead and grouchy with no energy for anything, even my […]
Filed in: Technology
Motivational Quote – 9/17
“The highest reward for man’s toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.” By: John Ruskin Don’t forget to follow Geek Girl on Facebook and Twitter.
Filed in: motivational quote
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