New Father: A Good Man
New Father: A Good Man
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When I visited my new grandson in the hospital, L said something that really made me think. She said of my son, ‘He’s a good man.’ I began thinking about that. Yes. He is my son so I am biased. But the reality is that L is right. My son is a good man.
My son took his time and did everything right. He has a steady job. They bought the house and set up the nursery. They began accumulating items in preparation for the baby they had not even conceived yet. They have a reserve fund in place. They had a plan and they followed it. And now they are parents…
I must have done something right to have been blessed with this ‘good man’ as my son. He is and will continue to be a great father as well, of that I have no doubt. I saw this first hand this past Memorial Day weekend when they came to visit. As a mother I could not have been more proud. He & L are growing in to their parenting roles so well and truly enjoying every minute of it.
Yes. I am a very blessed mother and grandmother.
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Filed in: parenting
Raising babies can be unpredictable. It's good they have some reserves for just in case.
You got that right. If it's not one thing, it's another. You plan the best you can, and then you roll with the punches as they come along. π
That is a great tribute to you as a parent. Good kids (generally speaking) are a result of good parents. π
The world needs more parents who put such thought and preparation into bringing a child into this world. You're a lucky mother and he's a lucky son.
You should be very proud of the son that you raised and know that it is, at least in part, due to your parenting!
Isn't so amazing how you blink and they are grown up… I remember my babies being babies and now one is in 10th grade. I am so proud of each of my children. I can not wait to see what they become as adults.
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