Herbal Conferences


Have you ever considered attending an Herbal Conference? Maybe you are wondering what happens when you attend a conference. Here is a video that provides highlights of one of the most popular herbal conferences. All conferences are different, but many components will remain a constant.

FindAnHerbalist has put together an extensive list of offerings for 2014. If you are thinking about attending a conference, this list will help you locate one that is right for you.

It was at just such a conference that my herbal medicine journey began. Conferences are a great resource for finding new friends and exploring herbs in a more in depth way. Whether you go on an herb walk and meet the herbs in their natural habitat, or you participate in an intensive and get hands-on experience making that wonderful salve you always to make, you are sure to enjoy the experience. Attending one certainly changed my life.

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  1. I never would have thought that there would be a conference like this. Always good to have a gathering place for like minded people.

    • Geek Girl says:

      Yeah, beer conference would be good for you!

  2. Susan Cooper says:

    I love to grow things. An herbal conference would help me come into contact with other herb gardeners and learn a bit more about what and how to grow them . πŸ™‚ Want to with me?

    • Geek Girl says:

      I would love to attend one with you!

  3. JeriWB says:

    There must be conferences for every topic under the sun. It's great that there are so many ways for people to come together and learn from one another. I wish I could go to more than one writing conference a year, but one is better than none πŸ™‚

    • Geek Girl says:

      Agree. One is better than none. πŸ™‚

  4. That's great to have a list. You have to bee dedicated the whatever subject to go to a conference. They can be so overwhelming. But really fantastic if that's what you're looking for.

    • Geek Girl says:

      Conferences are definitely for those dedicated to their subject.

  5. Have never attended a herbal conference but suchl fairs in the United Arab Emirates, actually. They were great fun and you learn some new things. Just too many people trying to sell you anything under the sun. But then again, herbalists have to make e living.

    • Geek Girl says:

      Yes. There are people trying to sell their wares. However, there is so much to learn that this far out weighs the negatives.