Thankful for Modern Medicine

About two months ago my my husband had cataract surgery on his right eye. That one turned out so well that I am writing this post as he is having his left eye done. He has been waiting for this with great anticipation. He will now enjoy better sight than he has had in years. […]
Filed in: Technology
Are Your Passwords Protecting You from Today’s Hackers?
This is such an important subject. There is no one immune to having their passwords hacked and their private information stolen. We need to keep up with the best ways to protect ourselves in hopes that we can stay ahead of potential hackers / thieves. I really learned something from reading this article on Lifehacker. […]
Filed in: Technology
Pay It Forward

Has everyone heard of this concept? There was a movie about this some years ago. I am not sure if this concept as such existed before the movie or not. The basic premise is that someone does something kind / needed for someone else – something that person or entity needs but cannot do or […]
Filed in: Technology
Golfing Anyone?

OK So I could not resist. It’s a golfing story, but not what you think. I had something else planned to post today and changed my mind so I could share this with you. My husband and I went golfing. Not remarkable in itself. But when you consider that we have not been golfing for […]
Filed in: Technology
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