Making Quicksand

Making Quicksand Non-Newtonian Fluid Cinnamon sticks. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) I was testing one of my science experiments recently with a visiting grandchild. We were making oobleck, a non-Newtonian fluid characterized by the fact that it has some properties of a solid and some properties of a liquid. Quicksand is a non-Newtonian fluid. I’d made this myself when I […]
I Have Always Done It This Way

I Have Always Done It This Way Caucas’ / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA Have you ever wondered why you make your bed the way you do? Why do you wash dishes in the order that you do – glasses, then plates, then silver, etc? Why do you sort the laundry the way you do – […]
Filed in: NaBloPoMo
Downsizing Your Home Doesn’t Have To Be Painful

Downsizing Your Home Doesn’t Have To Be Painful *The following is a sponsored post Two of your kids are already married with children, and the third one moved out six months ago. While you may have enjoyed the space to start with, you may now be thinking about downsizing – moving to somewhere that is […]
Fit for a Prince: Inside the Royal Nursery

Fit for a Prince: Inside the Royal Nursery We welcomed little Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge into the world just a few short weeks ago and already we’re thinking about what his new home will look like. It’s been confirmed that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will start their family life at the […]
Filed in: Guest Post • NaBloPoMo
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