My BlogHer NaBloPoMo Experience

My BlogHer NaBloPoMo Experience Participating in the BlogHer August NaBloPoMo has been an interesting experience. Participation required you to post Monday through Friday for the entire month of August. You might be asking why I would want to participate in this. One simple reason… I was searching for my writing voice. blmiers2 / Foter / CC […]
Filed in: NaBloPoMo
Discovering Your Writing Voice

Discovering Your Writing Voice This seems like a no brainer. You sit down and you write. Simple as that, right? Not so fast… thorinside / Foter / CC BY-NC I have been struggling with my writing voice for some time now. What is your writing voice and why does it matter? Your writing voice is […]
Filed in: NaBloPoMo
Luxurious Retirement Living in Boca Raton

Luxurious Retirement Living in Boca Raton *The following is a sponsored post. If you are looking for a summer home or somewhere to retire, you should really check out Boca Raton in Florida. Situated about an hour’s drive north of Miami up the I-95, Boca, as it is known by locals, offers great outdoor activities, […]
Filed in: NaBloPoMo
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