The Lawn Mower Diet Returns

The Lawn Mower Diet Returns Unknown (Chadborn & Coldwell Manufacturing in Newburgh, New York) / / Public domain Many moons ago in a galaxy far far away… I wrote a blog post about using my lawn mower as weight control. Now that I have moved house I am back to using the push lawn […]
Filed in: Health
The Power of 3

The Power of 3 This is what I needed this week – my head the only thing showing. Why? Have you ever heard the old saying that bad things come in three’s? I may be sentencing myself to another mishap by even mentioning this but… Pink Sherbet Photography / People Photos / CC BY First […]
Filed in: Health
Does Chicken Soup Really Help a Cold?

Does Chicken Soup Really Help a Cold? Was Grandma right? There haven’t been any clinical trials comparing chicken soup to a placebo to prove it helps. But, there have been studies about two aspects that are related to making you feel better when you have a cold: Mucous Anti-inflammation. Pediatricians, Dr. Aaron E. Carroll and […]
Filed in: Health
Do Kids in Day Care Get More Colds?

Do Kids in Day Care Get More Colds? How Many Days of Runny Noses In a Year? Yes and no. At first, kids in day care do get more colds than kids who stay home. Then, the older they get, the fewer colds they get, fewer than those who stayed home during those day care years. That is, […]
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