What Is the 80/20 Rule? Fun with Grandchildren

What Is the 80/20 Rule? Fun with Grandchildren Distribution – 80/20 rule Pareto chart (Photo credit: Wikipedia Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian economist who noticed in 1906 that 80% of the land in Italy belonged to 20 percent of the people and that 80% of his pea pods came from 20% of his peas. An American engineer, Joseph […]
When Does a Heap of Sand Stop Being a Heap?

When Does a Heap of Sand Stop Being a Heap? Sorites Paradox or the Paradox of the Heap Something new to do when you are building summer sand castles. Tuning fork by John Walker stamped with note (E) and frequency in hertz (659) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) If you remove one grain of sand at a […]
Filed in: arts & crafts & educational • education

Onomatopoeia ucumari / Cat Photos / CC BY-NC-ND Say what? When I was in school and the teacher first asked about this strange word, everyone just sat there with this bewildered look on their faces. Turns out that this is the term used to refer to a wonderful groups of descriptive words that sound like […]
Filed in: education
Fibonacci Sequence: It Started with Rabbits

Fibonacci Sequence: It Started with Rabbits The Fibonacci sequence in terms of rabbits (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number in the series equals the sum of the two numbers before it. It was described by Leonardo Fibonacci, an Italian mathematician, in his 1202 Book of Calculations. He also introduced and popularized […]
Filed in: education • Interesting Facts • Playtime
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