Gardening – A Family Activity

When I was growing up my family had little money and so frugal living was not just a concept, it was reality. In an effort to spend less money at the grocery shop we planted vegetables. We children learned which plants were weeds and which ones were not. If we pulled the wrong ones, well […]
Filed in: android phone app • Blogging • family activities • Garden • iPhone app
Viral Blog

What makes a blog go viral and a blogger go from obscure to the one everyone wants to follow and emulate? Is it purely chance, or perhaps it was timing. Maybe it was being in the right place at the right time? Whatever the case may be it seems to me that what happens […]
Filed in: Blogging
Career Choices

What would you do if you had your choice of careers? Many people have asked that very question. The answers vary widely of course. For me I would choose to write. I am not sure if I have it in me to produce books, but I certainly can produce blogs. As long as I am writing I […]
Filed in: Blogging
Geek Girl Featured on ‘searchingforthehappiness’

Wendy Mccance over on searchingforthehappiness is featuring Geek Girl today! Wendy has been generous enough to do a series of ‘Blogger in the Spotlight’ interviews and Geek Girl was chosen as one of the bloggers to spotlight and today is the day! So please stop by Wendy’s blog and see what it’s all about. While […]
Filed in: Blogging
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