Author Archive for admin
And The Gender Is…?
It’s A Boy! I am not quite sure just who is more excited about this new grandbaby – me or the parents. OK The parents are more excited, but I am a close second. Each time I get a call from my son it’s all I can do to wait for him to speak to […]
Filed in: Pregnancy Tracking
Motivational Monday – 1/7
“Unless you’re willing to have a go, fail miserably, and have another go, success won’t happen.” By: Phillip Adams I thought this quote was quite appropriate since we are starting a new year and making plans. It’s rather like the phrase, “If at first you don’t succeed, try try again.” No one likes the idea […]
Filed in: motivational quote
Help Us Celebrate!

To celebrate the ‘Grand Opening’ of Grandmother Diaries we are giving away 3 – $20 Amazon gifts cards. One will be given away each week in January starting this week. What happens during the 4th week? Check back to find out! Oh the suspense… How do you qualify for a chance to win? All you […]
Filed in: Giveaway
Boxes Ignite Imagination

Now that the holidays are finally over did you find that your young grandchildren liked playing with the boxes their toys came in more, or the toys inside the boxes more? When my son was very small those boxes held more fascination than the precious gifts they held. He eventually grew out of that of […]
Filed in: Playtime
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