Author Archive for admin

Contributors Express Monorail / Travel Photos / CC BY-NC-ND It has been some time since we announced that Grandmother Diaries is accepting contributing authors. If you are not a grandparent, don’t let that stop you. Being a parent & being a grandparent are very similar roles. The main difference is that as a grandparent you […]
Filed in: Introduction
Best WordPress Plugins for Developers and Designers

Best WordPress Plugins for Developers and Designers There are millions of WordPress plugins to choose from, for all kinds of purposes. Some are used to increase engagement or integrate popular social media sites. Some help enhance a site’s SEO strategy. And there are many plugins that provide video or image galleries. These are all helpful […]
Filed in: Technology • wordpress plugins
The Ultimate Geek Couple

The Ultimate Geek Couple UPDATE: I thought it would be fun to bring this post back to life and update you on our current inventory of tech. If nothing else, this post will remind you just what kind of ‘geek couple’ we are. 🙂 I now have an iMac which I love! I no longer […]
Filed in: Blogging • Technology
New Father: A Good Man

New Father: A Good Man Facebook / CC BY-NC-ND / Facebook When I visited my new grandson in the hospital, L said something that really made me think. She said of my son, ‘He’s a good man.’ I began thinking about that. Yes. He is my son so I am biased. But the reality is […]
Filed in: parenting
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