Author Archive for admin
Picture Collage Maker: iPhone App

Picture Collage Maker: iPhone App The folks at PearlMountain Technology reached out to me with this new app for the iPhone. This app is available for FREE for a limited time. When you install this app on your iPhone it is called, ‘Collage Maker’. When you search for it in the app store it is […]
Filed in: Apps • iPhone app
JenningsWire: Lessons From Your Grandchildren

JenningsWire: Lessons From Your Grandchildren I was invited to do an interview podcast on JenningsWire last month for my book ‘Letters From Grandma: Before You Were Born’. Following that interview I was invited to become one of their regular contributors. Needless to say I was thrilled to receive and accept the invitation. You will now […]
Filed in: Blogging
4 Tech-friendly Retrofits To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

4 Tech-friendly Retrofits To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Stuck in Customs / Art Photos / CC BY-NC-SA Regardless of size, a great way for a business to cut overhead expenses and go a long way towards having a positive impact on the environment is by effectively reducing its carbon footprint. The effects that businesses can […]
Filed in: Technology
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