Amazon Free App Today – Daily AM Workout


Daily AM Workout Looking for more workout ideas? Amazon’s free app of the day might interest you. Daily AM Workout is normally $0.99 so this is your no risk chance try it out. This app focuses on upper body – arm, shoulder, and chest. They have a certified personal trainer demonstrating the workouts for you. They walk you through 20 of the best upper body exercises in two 5 – 10 minute routines.

Nothing to lose by giving it try. If you are an Android user, head on over to Amazon and grab this one today while it’s free.

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  1. findingourwaynow says:

    I want this. I am on it. I going to try it out pronto WOO! HOO!

    • Geek Girl says:

      That would be a great idea but for one small little detail, you have an iPhone not a Droid. 🙂

      • findingourwaynow says:

        Crap! I just realized that. I had read that but it kust didn't sink in… Sigh! 🙂

        • Geek Girl says:

          Well now, I thought I was the only one who used that word 'crap'. LOL

  2. JeriWB says:

    I need to look for something similiar for my iPhone. I've been using Runtastic to track my jogging progress, but something like this app might keep me even more motivated. Now I just have to stop eating so much good food! Thankfully,there's an app for that too!

    • Geek Girl says:

      You might consider My Fitness Pal. It will help you track both your food and your exercise. 🙂

  3. namirusso says:

    I was about to check this out and realized it was for Android – oops! Well, guess I have to stick to my 10 minute trainer.

    • Geek Girl says:

      I am going to have to start giving equal time to iPhone. I have been neglecting them. 🙂