The iPad Mini Coming Soon
From all the news sources I read and hear throughout the day it sounds like the iPad mini will shortly be a reality. It will even have its own release event to celebrate its debut. I know that I am one among many of you who are iPad owners. I love my iPad. It has a place in my work world so it is not a luxury or merely an entertainment item.
Unlike most of you who are iPad owners I have also explored the world of Android tablets. I already know what it’s like to hold a smaller device like the iPad mini will be. Given that it’s an iPad and not an Android I could change my mind, but I have to say that I prefer the iPad size just the way it is. It is entirely possible that my experience with Android tablets has tainted my perception of what the iPad mini will be like. However, I will not be one of those first adopters of the new device. Yes. I am usually a first adopter of new technology. That’s why I have so much experience with so many devices. The prospect of the new iPad mini is just not enticing me enough to make me want to be an early adopter. My husband on the other hand will run out just as fast as his feet will carry him and grab one for himself. Then he will taunt me with it. “Wouldn’t you like to have one of these?” “Come here and just try it. You might like it.” I will then relent and try it. Whether this results in me wanting one for myself only time will tell. I doubt it…
What about you? Will you be trying the new iPad mini? Does the thought of the ‘mini’ entice you to want one?
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Filed in: tablet computer
I agree with. I do love my iPad and its size. I can also see a market for the mini, especially parents who are interested in something for their kids. The smaller size would make it easier for the kids and the parents to handle and still get the functionality of the full version. This may just what they are looking for.
That's a very good point I had not thought of. 🙂
I was watching a morning show yesterday and they were talking about the mini. One person said that she looked forward to buying one as it would fit into her handbag better than the full size. I don't have an IPad so i may check this one out.
If you have never had a tablet, then this may be just the one for you. I am a bit spoiled with the one I have. My husband thinks I will warm up to the smaller one. Time will tell. 🙂
Small enough to fit in a purse is a big selling point. I will inherit my husband's iPad when he gets a Microsoft Tablet for work. I've heard that the MS tablet has a keyboard built into its case, so it will be neat to see how user-friendly it ultimately is. The iPad is too heavy to want to hold for reading and I don't like backlighting either. However, I don't think I'd like the mini either since a multipurpose device needs that bigger screen for better video viewing and just about everything else. I think I'll stick with my Kindle when it comes to reading.
I am with you. I much prefer reading on my Kindle. I also like the size of my regular iPad. However I can see a place for the mini for families with children, or classrooms with children. I am looking forward to trying the new MS tablet. We always try everything… we are such geeks in this house. LOL
I don't have an iPad or a tablet of any kind. I have a Nook reader, which is about the closest I get. BUT, I have often wanted to get an iPad over any Android tablet just BECAUSE of it's size. I always liked the larger size. So, I definitely won't be getting a mini.
To be honest, I'm still waiting on the Surface in October. 🙂
I am so totally getting the surface when it comes out. Just because I have an iPad does not mean I won't be getting another tablet. This is a very GEEK household. We have a reputation to think about. LOL
Like you, I'm reluctant to jump on the band wagon when it first starts rolling. These things become obsolete (do we even use that term anymore?) in a year. I'll wait until all the start-up glitches are taken care of before I plop down an enormous amount of money!
Yeah, depending on what it is I am sometimes an early adopter. In most cases I wait until all the 'bugs' have been reported and addressed and then I go buy it. 🙂