The Super Models of Tablet PCs: What are the Thinnest Tablets You Can Buy?
The Super Models of Tablet PCs: What are the Thinnest Tablets You Can Buy?
- Jamais Cascio / / CC BY-NC
Generally, we don’t decide on which tablet we’re going to buy using the same criteria we would to judge a beauty contest, but there’s no denying the trend toward tablets that are thinner and lighter.
Barnes & Noble Nook HD
Even though it may be a little thicker than the other super models, the Barnes & Noble Nook is still coming in at less than half an inch. And as far as its weight goes it is the same as the iPad Mini at only .68 of a pound. The design is attractive as is the price and its screen is extremely sharp. If you’re okay with a bit more width, this is a great lightweight option with all the same features of the thinnest tablets.
Apple iPad Fourth Generation
Yesterday’s supermodel, the Apple iPad used to wear the crown. It has been surpassed these days by thinner, younger models, but it is far from being out of the competition. Consider the upgrades it benefits from since the days of the iPad2. You can’t dismiss that Retina Display coupled with the faster processor. Though it may not have the waistline of some of the younger girls, it’s still a thin beauty with an exquisite design.
Google Nexus 10
The Google Nexus 10 is not only thin, but also boasts a sharp screen and amazingly quick processor, not to mention perhaps the most durable tablet available. It has proven itself as one of the best performing Android tablets on the market. When combined with an excellent Internet service like HighSpeed that performance is on full display. And without compromising screen size and performance, it is the thinnest and lightest Android model to-date.
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Asus Transformer Pad Infinity TF700
Just barely cinching it in a bit from the Google Nexus 10, the Asus Transformer Pad Infinity TF700 is a bit lighter and thinner. Its design isn’t all it has to offer however, as its processor is very fast and its screen design enviable. When it comes to beauty it makes the final decision an increasingly difficult one to make.
Apple iPad Mini
Okay, there is a little comparing apples to apples here by mentioning the iPad Mini as well as the Apple iPad, but it was unavoidable. The iPad Mini is almost the thinnest and lightest tablet a person can buy. Almost…
Sony Xperia Tablet Z
Judging solely on looks, the Sony Xperia Tablet Z takes the nod for being the thinnest available tablet. But, it’s not all looks, as this tablet is also waterproof and boasts a quad-core processor within that thin, sleek design. And with a 10-inch 1920×1200 pixel resolution that is no mean feat.
There’s a lot to consider when purchasing a tablet computer, but let’s face it, thin and sexy is one of the things we look for. If you can get it all in the same package, why not?
Author Bio:
Andrew Valentine is a writing major and tech enthusiast. He spends most of his time researching and writing on the latest and greatest tech related topics. He is an avid movie buff and enjoys spending time with friends and family. You can also find Andrew Valentine on Google+
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I'll probably stick with an iPad for a long time. My husband has a Surface, and I'm not supposed to disparage it, so I won't 😉
The other tablets sound really cool, but I think I'm with Jeri. I love my iPad. But then again, I use it for my art and that is what makes it my tablet of choice. 🙂
I am a little (okay a lot) behind the times when it comes to tablets. I have a regular Nook color that I use but have yet to venture into the world of tablets beyond that. Everything I have ever heard will probably lead me to stick close to the iPad.