Tag: featured
Mobius Strip: Twist It!

Mobius Strip: Twist It! Sometimes it is not easy to predict what will happen when you start cutting. Materials Rectangular paper, like notebook paper or typing paper Tape Scissors Pencil Instructions Cut four long, thin strips from the paper, each about an inch-and-a-half wide Mark the ends of each strip A and B on one […]
Filed in: education
Aging In Place: Stairlifts

Aging In Place: Stairlifts * This is a sponsored post It was not all that long ago that once you reached a certain age and you could no longer handle climbing stairs you moved to a ranch style house that had no stairs. You maintained your independence, but you had to move from what may […]
Filed in: gadgets • Home • Technology
Herbs For Health: Echinacea

Herbs For Health: Echinacea Echinacea, also known as purple coneflower, is probably one of the most familiar medicinal herbs. It is well known as an immune system enhancer. For many people it is their first introduction to natural medicine. It is known to have few if any side effects. I have yet to meet anyone […]
Filed in: Herbs For Health
Equivalent Fractions: Is It Fair?

Equivalent Fractions: Units Stacks of US quarters and pennies (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Equivalent fractions are fractions that are equal in value to each other. As a knife is used in this activity, an adult should supervise or cut the food. A common practice for deciding if something is fairly divided or not is to offer the other party, […]
Filed in: education
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