Tag: featured
How Many Coins Fit in A Ziploc® Bag?

How Many Coins Fit in A Ziploc® Bag? Benchmarks Marker, U.S. National Geodetic Survey marker embedded in a large rock in front of the Noroton Fire Department, Darien (Photo credit: Wikipedia) A benchmark is a small part of a whole used to help estimate the whole or a standard by which other things are judged. […]
Filed in: education • family activities
Technology Brings Us Closer

Technology Brings Us Closer Markcooz / Foter.com / CC BY-ND My father has reached the age where he can longer travel great distances. This presents a challenge when family members live in other states, like myself. My father has not seen my son for many years now. It is not for lack of wanting to, […]
Filed in: family activities • Holiday • Technology
How Do You Eat Corn?

How Do You Eat Corn? Survey First page of Constitution of the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia) This activity is perfect for Thanksgiving, when you are likely to have a lot of people in the house. Materials Pens, pencils or crayons Paper Instructions Think of fun questions you want to ask people, like at a […]
Filed in: education • family activities
How To Prepare For The Best SAT Results

How To Prepare For The Best SAT Results ** This is a sponsored post SAT results are one of the most important sets of data your children will encounter during their school years. Generated from their performance in SAT assessments, their score will determine the type of further education institutions they can apply to. Further, […]
Filed in: education
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