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What Makes a Good Teacher?

What Makes a Good Teacher? May 7 is National Teacher Day. Who were your favorite teachers and how did they change your life? What made your teacher good at their job? When I was in third or fourth grade, I remember turning in a test paper by walking up to the front of the room and […]
Filed in: education
Motivational Monday Quote: 5/6

Motivational Monday Quote Mr. Greenjeans / Mr. Greenjeans / CC BY-NC-SA “What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” By: Robert H. Schuller It’s an interesting question, isn’t it? You might be asking why I chose this photo for this blog. I thought it was appropriate. A spider spins a web. […]
Filed in: motivational quote
The Super Models of Tablet PCs: What are the Thinnest Tablets You Can Buy?

The Super Models of Tablet PCs: What are the Thinnest Tablets You Can Buy? Jamais Cascio / / CC BY-NC Generally, we don’t decide on which tablet we’re going to buy using the same criteria we would to judge a beauty contest, but there’s no denying the trend toward tablets that are thinner and […]
Filed in: Technology
When Different Worlds Collide

When Different Worlds Collide photophilde / Water Photos / CC BY-SA Have you ever hosted a foreign exchange student? If you have, then you know how challenging it is at first. If the language barrier is not an issue, then culture may be. My good friend and blogger Susan Cooper has hosted exchange students in […]
Filed in: Introduction
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