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The One Year Rule
What’s your measure in deciding whether or not to keep that article of clothing or get rid of it? I have moved house so many times that I needed something to aid in making this decision. Some wise person (not me) said that if you have not worn it in the past year, get rid […]
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Motivational Monday – 10/15
“The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.” By: William James Don’t forget to follow Geek Girl on Facebook and Twitter. Subscribe to Geek Girl USA by Email
Filed in: motivational quote
Clutter In Need Of Assistance

I have a bathroom drawer that has just been screaming at me for help. For years now I have resisted. Not because I did not want to help, but because I did not want to take the time to help. What changed my mind? I was in a crappy mood and needed dental floss. Looking […]
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When Do You Write?
This past week has been a learning experience for me. What did I learn? If I start my day without writing FIRST, I never get to write. Big sigh… I have been wishy washy about setting a specific time during the day to write. I know others have chosen to write in the evenings, or […]
Filed in: Blogging
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