Making Elderberry Syrup Via Mountain Rose Herbs


Making Elderberry Syrup Via Mountain Rose Herbs

So simple and so good for you!

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  1. JeriWB says:

    I would love to give herbal syrups a try.

    • Geek Girl says:

      Easy stuff to make!

  2. Susan Cooper says:

    I am a huge fan of elderberry. I’ve had elderberry syrup but have yet to make it myself. I think I should. Now I need to find some elderberries. 🙂

    • Geek Girl says:

      You're a natural. You would tweak this and make it fabulous!

  3. The word elderberry always takes me back to Monty Python's Holy Grale. "Your father smells of elderberries and your mother was a hamster."

    • Geek Girl says:

      OK I had to laugh…

  4. Love elderberry syrup. My sister makes it all the time and it's absolutely delicious.

    Have you ever tried making elderberry icecream? Highly recommend it!

  5. Dan Meyers_BREAK FREE says:

    Oh wow, my dad actually makes this!!