Living In A One-Dimensional World

When we make our debut in to this world most of us are born with the gift of sight. This is something we typically take for granted. Our sight provides us with information about the world around us. We can estimate how far away something is or how deep something is by looking at it. […]
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What Is Your Work Preference? Stand Or Sit?

Update: I have completed 2 full weeks of alternating between standing and sitting while I work. In that time I have made some changes in my office to better accommodate the experiment. I work from home so you may not have the freedom to do what I have done. To give the whole ‘standing while […]
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Browsers – How Important Are They?

In an article on CNBC by Christina Cheddar Berk she explores what browsers are being used by the time of day they are being used. For ecommerce sites this is extremely relevant. If you want to ensure that it is your site that gets the sale, then consumers need to have confidence that whatever browser […]
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