Fibonacci Sequence: It Started with Rabbits
Fibonacci Sequence: It Started with Rabbits The Fibonacci sequence in terms of rabbits (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number in the series equals the sum of the two numbers before it. It was described by Leonardo Fibonacci, an Italian mathematician, in his 1202 Book of Calculations. He also introduced and popularized […]
Filed in: education • Interesting Facts • Playtime
What Are Fractals?
What Are Fractals? Animated fractal mountain (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Fractals If you try to measure something irregular, like the coastline along a creek, you will find that the shorter the measuring unit you use, a one-foot long stick instead of a three-foot-long yardstick, for example, the longer the thing will be, infinitely. Normally, in geometry, you […]
Filed in: arts & crafts & educational • education • Playtime
Make Your Own Abacus with Popsicle Sticks
Make Your Own Abacus with Popsicle Sticks How to Use an Abacus A Chinese abacus (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Although I studied Chinese in college and have been to China three times, most recently this summer, I had never learned how to use an abacus until researching this activity. If you understand simple addition and subtraction, you can […]
Filed in: arts & crafts & educational • DIY • education • Playtime
Seven Bridges of Konigsburg
Seven Bridges of Konigsburg Graph theory. The problem of the Seven Bridges of Königsberg. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) I used to think that there was no point in giving someone a math problem that was unsolvable. What could you learn from that except your tolerance for frustration? It turns out, though, that mathematicians, even when they suspect a […]
Filed in: arts & crafts & educational • education • Playtime
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