motivational quote
Motivational Monday – 2/4
“Rough waters are truer tests of leadership. In calm water every ship has a good captain.” ~Swedish Proverb This quote builds on what most of us already know to be true. It’s the tough times that build and reflect our character. So even though it’s hard to be thankful for those rough waters, in the […]
Filed in: motivational quote
Motivational Monday 1/28
“Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you.” By: Cynthia Kersey This quote really got me thinking. How many times do we listen to others when they discourage us from doing something? They don’t believe in us so we don’t believe in ourselves. […]
Filed in: motivational quote
Motivational Monday 1/21

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” By: Martin Luther King, Jr. Who better to provide today’s quote? It could not be more true. Sometimes we have to take the path less traveled and pave the way for others. We cannot always see where that path leads, but […]
Filed in: motivational quote
Motivational Monday – 1/7
“Unless you’re willing to have a go, fail miserably, and have another go, success won’t happen.” By: Phillip Adams I thought this quote was quite appropriate since we are starting a new year and making plans. It’s rather like the phrase, “If at first you don’t succeed, try try again.” No one likes the idea […]
Filed in: motivational quote
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